Choose the right product for you
Standard listing £1,507
- Standard Job Listings stays live on the site for 28 days
- Tagged with specific sectors to maximise targeted of relevant candidates through the search facility
- Adverts are sent out on relevant job alert emails to registered subscribers in our live candidate database
Premium listing £1,801
- Includes a standard job listing
- Highlighted in the job results list - so offers superior exposure for your listing to jobseekers
- Prioritised in the ‘Jobs by Email’ alerts to the live candidate database – above all standard listings
Our other bespoke packages
Targeted Job listing £1,995 + VAT
- Includes standard job listing and targeted email
- Reaching candidates by location, salary level and job level, a unique visual targeted email reaching jobseekers on the site who have requested jobs that match client needs
Branded Job Listing £2,594+VAT
- Includes standard job listing
- Featured recruiter button on the homepage – leading to your jobs online
- Top banner (advertisement on the site) on the homepage leading to your jobs online giving you maximum visibility and branding of your company
- Additional jobs at £500 per role
Digital & Print packages £2,951 + VAT
- 1x Online job advert, live 28 days (includes company logo)
- Company profile page
- Listing in company directory
- Featured job in IOSH E-Newletter (sent to 43,000 recipients)
- 1/4 Page full colour listing in IOSH Magazine 112mm x 87.5mm (circulation of 32,000 with online copy available)
- Headline Job (appears on homepage for 7 days)
More bespoke packages
More bespoke packages are available, including multiple job postings and social media.
To book any of these options contact:
T: +44 (0)207 880 7662